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WTO will help China to realize "three direct links" with Taiwan

Shi Guangshen, Beijing's minister of foreign economic relations & trade, said Beijing's participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) will help realize the earlier establishment of 'three direct links' across the Taiwan Strait, that the mainland has long made full preparations for the opening of direct trade, transportation and postal links with Taiwan. But, he said, Taiwan has continued to procrastinate on the moves.

Shi said that Beijing will take the case to the WTO Council, if Taiwan continues dragging its feet after both Beijing and Taipei become WTO members. He explained that the WTO regulations forbid discrimination against its members. Shi declined Beijing authorities are also speeding up the updating of its economic and trade laws by conducted bilateral trade consultations with a total of 35 nations.

Taiwan's various government agencies are still reviewing the plan of opening direct links with the mainland, mainly in consideration of national security.


Wednesday, June 28, 2000
Source: Taiwan Headlines

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